Master Your Zero Water TDS Tester with these Basic Instructions for zero water TDS

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Written By John Roe Stephen

Zero Water TDS Tester is the best option for anyone to get readings about water quality. The reliable and easy-to-use device is a great path to choose when needing pure water.

But you must follow the fitting instructions from the very beginning.

How can we use the zero water TDS tester?

These instructions will be useful for you.

Note: You must have prepared a glass of water as the sample.

  1. The first step is to take off the cap at the bottom. It is the longer cap.
  2. Following the “Start” press, you must submerge the bottom of the tester.

Warning :

  1. The maximum limit you can submerge is one inch. If you submerge above that limit, the Zero TDS tester will be damaged.
  2. You must not use hot or boiling water for the testing. If you want to test boiled water, you must wait until it cools down.
  3. You must wait a few seconds until a number appears on the screen. It is the number of solids found in Parts Per Million (PPM) in the sample you tested. 

What do numbers mean that appear on the TDS meter?

You must have a proper understanding of the numbers that appeared on the meter after testing eth sample.

  1. 000 – 001: It means the water conductivity is zero. You have a pure water sample that has zero parts in Solid Parts Per Million (PPM). 
  2. 002-050: This water contains solid particles. Also, it may contain lead which causes deadly allergies in humans. But you can still use this water as this is moderately pure. 
  3. 051-200: According to research, more than 75% of water in the USA belongs to this category. The water is drinkable but not suitable for humans. 
  4. 201-300: Water is highly contaminated, and you must not drink water. Even if you drink, you must go through a better filtering process. If you get this reading after filtering, the filters must be changed. 
  5. Over 401: Water s contaminated, and you must not drink. 

How frequently to Use TDS Tester?

The recommended frequency to check the quality of drinking water is daily. But, as a person with a busy life, you might not have time to do that.

Besides, the tester is a tool to measure filtered water quality. Therefore, it is better to check the water quality once a week.

Also, that can be as long as once a month or once in 2-3 days, according to the number of members in the family.

You Can Only Get The Conductivity Of Water And Assume Things Only

The Zero Water TDS Tester can simply tell you what particles in the water are. Metals, minerals, pesticide particles, salt, and various organic matter in the water can be counted using the Zero Water TDS Tester. After taking reading, you can simply consider whether the water is suitable for drinking or not.

You Can Only Say Whether It Is Perfect Or Imperfect Only

Note: Zero water TDS tester users had been busy asking if the device checks the lead in water. As you can see, there is no such capability.

How does the Zero Water TDS Tester work?

The TDS meter calculates the water’s conductivity and delivers the value according to the measured conductivity. The reading will be higher when more particles or substances are in the water. If you see a high value in the reading, then you have an increased risk.

If you are in need of a test that exactly says how many particles are in the water, this will not be it.

How Can I Use a Zero Water TDS Tester to Determine if Water is Suitable for Hair Wash?

Using a Zero Water TDS tester is crucial when assessing the suitability of water for hair wash. By measuring the tds water for hair wash, you can determine the level of total dissolved solids present. This information helps you understand whether the water is pure and does not contain any impurities that may damage your hair.

Don’t use rechargeable Lithium batteries!

The recommended energy source for the Zero Water TDS Tester is 02 LR Alkaline batteries. Although it is the recommendation, users have referred to rechargeable lithium batteries due to their low cost.

Most of them had happened to claim a warranty or lose the testers due to the corroded batteries and casings.

Therefore, you must use the recommended batteries for your testers. Also, the battery cording may occur due to water and mist. You must check the batteries at least once a month.

Note: If you don’t use the tester, it is recommended to remove the batteries from the tester.


We hope you know how to get the purity reading of your water. If you still have issues, please feel free to contact us.

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